Source code for binx.utils

""" general purpose functionality. Classes are loosely classified by method type

import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import logging
l = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from pprint import pprint
import datetime

[docs]def bfs_shortest_path(graph, start, end): """ a generic bfs search algo """ def _bfs_paths(graph, start, end): # bfs using a generator. should return shortest path if any for an iteration queue = [(start, [start])] while queue: (vertex, path) = queue.pop(0) for next_vertex in graph[vertex] - set(path): if next_vertex == end: yield path + [next_vertex] else: queue.append((next_vertex, path + [next_vertex])) try: return next(_bfs_paths(graph, start, end)) except StopIteration: return []
[docs]class ObjUtils(object):
[docs] def get_fully_qualified_path(self, obj): """returns the fully qualified path of the class that defines this instance""" module = obj.__class__.__module__ # use the path name of the internal object on setUp clsname = obj.__class__.__name__ full = '.'.join([module,clsname]) return full
[docs]class RecordUtils(object):
[docs] def replace_nan_with_none(self, records): """ checks a flat list of dicts for np.nan and replaces with None used for serialization of some result records. This is because marshmallow can not serialize and de-serialize in to NaN #NOTE this is a bit slow, should find a better way to make this conversion """ for record in records: for k,v in record.items(): if v is np.nan: record[k] = None return records
[docs] def records_to_columns(self, records): """ convert record format to column format """ return {k: [d[k] for d in records] for k in records[0]}
[docs] def columns_to_records(self, column_dict): """ convert column_dict format to record format """ return [dict(zip(column_dict, d)) for d in zip(*column_dict.values())]
[docs] def date_to_string(self, col_mapping, records): """converts datetime or date objects to strings """ for rec in records: for col,dformat in col_mapping.items(): try: if isinstance(rec[col], datetime.datetime): rec[col] = rec[col].strftime(dformat) elif isinstance(rec[col], rec[col] = rec[col].strftime(dformat) elif isinstance(rec[col], np.datetime64): rec[col] = str(rec[col]) elif isinstance(rec[col], pd.Timestamp): rec[col] = rec[col].strftime(dformat) except KeyError as err: # swallowing this will handle any non-required date fields that aren't present l.warning('Date obj field {} was not available for dt-formatting'.format(col)) return records
[docs]class DataFrameDtypeConversion(object):
[docs] def df_nan_to_none(self, df): """ converts a dfs nan values to none """ return df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None)
[docs] def df_none_to_nan(self, df): """ converts a df none values to nan if needed """ return df.fillna(value=np.nan)
[docs] def date_to_string(self, col_mapping, df): """ converts columns of pd Timestamps (np.datetime64) to strings """ for col,dformat in col_mapping.items(): if str(df[col].dtype) == 'datetime64[ns]': # assure that the date column isn't already a string df[col] = df[col].dt.strftime(dformat) return df